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Club Information and Rules


Mynydd Riding Club is a not for profit organisation which is affiliated to British Riding Clubs.


We run under British Riding Club rules which can be found at


Our membership year runs from January to December. We ask that membership renewals to be paid annually by 30th November in order for us to process the paperwork with British Riding Clubs (BRC). Should a member join part way through the membership year full membership is due, no discounts are given by BRC.


Any member who has not paid their membership will be ineligible for any mounted club activities, this is important for insurance purposes.


Hard hats to be worn at all times and to comply with current BRC regulations/standards. Found at


All horses tack must be correctly fitting and in good repair and condition. The committee and instructors reserve the right to refuse the use of certain equipment at club nights, clinics and events or to exclude riders wearing or using incorrectly fitting, poorly maintained or inappropriate tack, clothing or equipment.


It is highly recommended that body protectors are worn by all riders at all times. Body Protectors must be Level 3 Purple label, recommended 2009. All children under the age of 10 years should wear them when mounted.


Body protectors to the current standard are compulsory for all riders participating in club Cross Country events, lessons, camps or clinics, indoor or outdoor, where the obstacles are fixed or rigid. Riders and horses not found to be wearing suitable safety equipment will be prohibited from participating. It is the members (or guardians) responsibility to ensure that correctly fitting safety equipment is worn. Information on safety equipment and body protectors can be found at


Horses must be 4 years old or more.


All children under 18 years must be accompanied by an adult at all times. 


Lessons are for the enjoyment and progression of club members. When you book into a lesson or clinic you make a commitment to pay, even if you do not attend. All payments for clinics and lessons need to be in advance, at the time of booking. If you need to cancel a lesson or clinic it would be up to you to fill your space.


Debts must be paid promptly, by the Friday after the lesson/clinic otherwise a £2 late fee will be added. Reminders to pay debts may be sent via text on a regular basis, for debts over 2 months a letter will be sent and an admin fee of £5 added per letter. Bounced cheques will be charged at £10 per cheque. As of the 1/6/2013 we will no longer accept cheques. We will accept cash or a bank transfer.


We reserve the right to cancel an individuals membership for misconduct and the Chairperson's decision is final.


Any hazard or potential hazard must be reported to the instructor or a committee member.


Please arrive in good time for your lesson. Those riding in the 6pm classes will be expected to arrive in good time to help put jumps out, as do the riders in the 7 to 8pm class put all jumps away. The same applies for clinics.


Please keep the noise in the viewing gallery to a minimum. No shouting into the lesson while the lesson is in progress. No running in the gallery.


Respect must be shown to all instructors at all times, the instructors word in the lessons is final. Anyone disrespecting the instructors would be considered as misconduct.


Do not open the doors to the schools without the instructors permission. If you are late for a lesson you must not enter the school without prior permission from the instructor.


Riders horses must be in walk at any time the doors to the school are open.


Riders working at a slower pace, or in walk must ride on an inner track.


Riders pass left hand to left hand when passing in the school.


No trotting or cantering in Car Parks.


We ask that Horses that have been in an area with an ill horse or horses that are known to be suffering from any illness are not brought to any club events. Horses should not be allowed to touch nose to nose in order to reduce the risk of spreading disease.


All droppings are to be collected in the schools, walkways and car parks. Members are expected to have their own poop scoops, otherwise scoops are available in the schools or ask at the desk. Any member found to be leaving droppings can be held accountable for the £25 fine administered by the venue. Where individual members cannot be identified, all in the lesson will be charged.


No complaints will be dealt with verbally. All complaints are to be made in writing to the committee, and addressed to Julia Whittaker, Coed cae Farm, Rhiwceiliog, Pencoed, Bridgend, CF35 6NW or e-mailed to which will be considered by the committee at the next committee meeting. 


Mynydd Riding Club will publish members and competitors names on our website, facebook, other media and on relevant documentation, which may disclose dates and times of booked lessons, clinics and competitions. Photographs of events, lessons, clinics and camps will also be shared with other members, on social media, by e-mail and in various ways.  Mynydd Riding club will share members information with BRC head office, and our sponsors. By entering competitions, booking into lessons, or participating in any club event you consent to this disclosure of such data.


All Club Members should ensure that they are familiar with the rules and by becoming a member agree to abide by these rules, and must complete and return a membership form together with the membership fee.

We run under British Riding Club rules which can be found at


Booking In Rules


Bookings taken on cleared payment only.



If a member needs to cancel their slot, it will be the member’s responsibility to find a replacement or miss the lesson. So please use our Mynydd Riding Club facebook page, text or phone other members when you have to cancel to find a replacement. 


In the event that club or the facility owner has to cancel, a refund or credit towards another lesson will be given.


Reminder to Everyone Using Facilities at Pencoed College


You must respect the facilities.

All horse droppings are to be cleared up and taken away, both in the schools and car park areas. The club wil be fined if you leave your droppings.

Park all vehicles with consideration to others. When parking lorries and horseboxes in the car park beside the large school please park diagonally facing away from the large school and not lengthways. You can also park lorries in the area at the end of the school. No cars to be parked in both these areas on evenings and weekends as they must be reserved for horse boxes and lorries only.

All rubbish to be put in bins or taken home. Children must be supervised at all times by an adult. Dogs must be kept on a lead at all times. No running or shouting in the viewing gallery.

Any hazard or potential hazard must be reported to the committee or an instructor

 The health and safety of yourself and others is paramount






Riding Club Competition Rules and conditions of entry

The general Club Rules above apply.

Depending on the event entries may be taken on the day or in advance. See the event schedule form for details of entry.

No refunds to be given.

The organisers do not accept any responsibility for any accidents that may occur to riders horses, ponies, spectators helpers or their property whilst at any Riding Club event

Hard hats to be the current BS standard must be worn at all times whilst mounted and correct riding attire.

No horse or pony under 4 years of age may compete in any event

Respect must be shown at all times to other competitors and spectators. Outside of show ring and practice area walking on horses only permitted.

The organisers reserve the right to cancel amend or alter classes if deemed necessary.

The decision of the judges is final

On receipt of entry fee all the above rules are understood to have been accepted and complied with.


Mynydd Riding Club Constitution

For a copy of the clubs constitution click here

The nominated charity who will receive any assets if the club dissolves is Lluest Horse and Pony Trust.



Dear Member, You may have heard about the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that comes into effect on 25 May 2018. To help comply with GDPR consent requirements we need you all to confirm that you are happy for your name to be put onto paperwork, the website and social media outlets regarding things like competition results, teams, times for competitions and lessons etc. We also need to check you’re still happy for us to keep your contact details and to send you correspondence, mainly via email although there may be the odd thing we need to send in hard copy via post. All the details we have for you are currently kept in a secure database. Due to the GDPR requirements we will be reviewing the way we keep your details and strengthening our policies where necessary. You have the right to withdraw consent at any time – but in order to receive the newsletters, any communications we pass on from BRC and show schedules etc in future we will need you to confirm you are happy for us to continue doing this. Could you please e mail stating whether we have your permission to continue to contact you as we currently do or whether you withdraw this permission. In future years we will include this in the membership form and will therefore require everybody to return a membership form, even if your details have not changed. 

Contact us

Come and see us every Thursday Evening in the large school at Pencoed College between 5pm and 8pm


Members can book lessons on Thursdays by booking through Rhian or Julie

Our preferred methods of communication are in person, via text or by e-mail.

Rhian 07793972696

Julie 07841404580


We would discourage people to contact us through facebook as messages and comments on posts can get missed and posts on groups can be viewed and read by lots of people. If you have any feedback please contact us directly.


BACS details for payment:

Sort code: 40-13-23

Account number: 41670654


We do not currently have a waiting list; we are accepting members new and old!



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